Monday 18 April 2011

Irony and Idiots

Hello again my lovelies :)
How lovely to be speaking to you. Yes I should do this more. I know. I'll be better. I've got someone on my case whipping me into shape about it now which is actually great. Means I don't put it off for the sake of sitting on my arse some more. Because I've pretty much mastered that.

Aaaaaanyway...what should we talk about? That's a good question. I've been bitching at almost anyone who would listen for the last few days about my brother. That's been a treat for them. I tried to keep it localised to my family, because, well, they understand, but I couldn't. Especially as he called me at midnight Saturday and talked at me (not to me, not with me) for an HOUR AND A HALF! Fuck dude....I was trying to complete Fable 2. The best laid plans of mice and men and all that. Such grand plans. I wanted to watch the F1 in the morning, as did he, and yet he continued to talk to me until I had not enough time to get a decent night's sleep before watching it! If only I could explain to him what irony was...

I should stop. He may well read this and get sad. Then call back.

So what else has been happening? I've been watching Dexter. That's awesome. Though by the end of season two I have been wondering whether I should identify with a serial killer quite as much as I have been. Worrying times...especially when coupled with Alec suggesting the other night, apropos of nothing, that I was the most likely of his friends "to grab a knife and just stab someone in the heart". I suppose it's possible. I get angry at the stupidest little things.

I was shopping earlier and I felt a murderous rampage brewing when, while attempting to purchase a football for common-based japes and indeed, possibly, some larks, I was confronted by a massive queue (of the sort of uber-chavs you only find in the Portsmouth job centre and Sports Direct shops), and only one fucker serving.'s sunny. You sell sports equipment. Put two and two together and realise that maybe some of these people might want to buy a tennis racquet or a pair of shorts on a day like this and put some more people on the counter! Instead they were all just lolling around (not laughing out loud, but the old-school interpretation of the term - that would have been creepy. All these workers just wandering around the shop, not helping anyone and instead just maniacally laughing in their faces). These people don't ever help you. They just try to sell you more than you need. Like Shoe Repair Creme ("it keeps your shoes in tip-top condition - it's got Protraineron X50 in it which is great for trainers") or any other fucking impulse buys nobody asked for.

I hate that shit. Selling you things based on basically ambushing you and pelting you with nonsense until you give in. I want to hurt those people. I get it in Game now as well. One of the places I used to adore going, just mingling around, browsing the games, seeing what bargains I could uncover or just keeping an eye out for what's new, maybe playing the latest console release in the corner to get a feel for it while saving up money. And it was sunny all the time. I swear it was. And the summers lasted for at least 11 months of the year.

But now, no. It's all changed. Ah capitalism. It's all about the power sell now. You can't mingle in Game. You get Kevin - 22, in his fucking purple shirt and with his big, shit-eating grin - come up and ask you if you need assistance, or, worse than that, just try to offer it without being asked. I was looking at a few games a month or so ago and this guy came up while I was reading the back of the box and said "would you prefer the pre-owned version? It's a pound cheaper". A POUND? Really? How you spoil us so! I'll immediately go out and spend that extra Free Money on....ermm....well...a lottery ticket? A McDonalds hamburger? No, I'm alright thanks, I'd rather not line the pockets of this company that has become so fucking disgusting to me, just another cog in an already sickening machine. The problem I have is that pre-owned games sales give nothing to the developer. You know, those lovely people who actually MAKE the game you're playing. The ones providing such enjoyment. And then you get Game, who are the chief high street stockist of these beautiful gems of escapism, who are actively trying to kill the very market they're ostensibly working on behalf of. Bah, it makes me mad.

But sod it if I'm paying £45 for a fucking new one. It might be shit.

OK, ok...less ranting now. Or maybe just a change of target. I feel like ripping somebody a new one today, as you may well have guessed, but I just can't figure out who best to destroy. Overall, I'm just sick of idiots. They're fucking everywhere you turn. Just doing their idiot thing, talking bollocks. In a ladies clothes shop I happened to be in earlier in town (not perving - well ok, not just perving, I was in there with my mate Zoe), we overheard this woman chatting on. Well actually no. It wasn't overhearing. It was just hearing. She was shouting across the shop. About her drinking habit. Most people would call it a problem, but I don't think she considered it that way. Going on about how her friend should go out instead of staying in because "I end up staying in every night and opening a bottle of wine and watching that SHIT tv and I just end up finishing it all myself and shouting at the SHIT tv and feeling really depressed". Across the shop. Thanks for that tidbit of information about your life that none of us asked for. Funny though, I have to admit.

I'm gonna end this one now and maybe work on another particular slice of idiotdom to target next.

Peace, love and giggles. Hahaha no I'm kidding, don't worry.

War, famine and depression :-)

The Dan

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