Monday 5 July 2010


Yeah I'm in one of those moods. Where you're stuck between anything that you can identify and all you can think is "meh", "bleh" or "muh". I have an incompetant manager who cannot satisfactorily manage workers. Quite the problem. But hey let's try to locate that funny again. Again? Yeah, that makes the assumption that I've found it before. I know where it likes to hang out. I know its friends. I am fully prepared to sit in a dark hedge with Bill Oddy, lurking with intent...actually that sounds kind of funny as it is. Though I do feel that the reality of the situation would turn out to be predominantly scary and not all that funny at all. I know he was in the Goodies and all that jazz, but doesn't he just creep you out now? He's a textbook weirdo. Hanging out in hedges with binoculars doesn't help that image.

And I'm smoking now. Not just the fun stuff, but the crap, pointless brown tobacco shit. One questions how this came to be, and it just feels as inevitable as the sun rotating around the moon. I cannot survive this job at the moment without regular breaks, regardless of what I'm doing whilst breaking. It's just a joy to see the outside world, even if it is only fleeting before we're hurled back into the office as if attached to the plug end of a hoover lead when someone presses the 'retract' button. Speaking of those buttons, I've got one on my thigh for whenever I see Kerry Katona on TV. Safety first, after all.

This is the thing with writing comedy. You put yourself under this pressure and then you're so serious about it that nothing seems funny anymore. Maybe I should be drunk. Yeah while at work. To be funnier. It's a means to an end. It's perfectly justifiable. Fuck you.

You start looking at every fucking thing with new eyes. Trying to gleam something poignant and hilarious from it. You're there, looking at a wall, desperately trying to convince yourself "yep, if I look at this in the right way, then this will have them rolling in the aisles." No it won't. You're a fucking moron. You're just staring at a wall, giggling to yourself, primarily out of sending yourself quietly but surely insane. And everyone around you is backing away slowly, terrified.

So you just hit your head repeatedly against said wall, and try again another day.

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