Friday 27 July 2012

Ah crap I forgot to add a title!

Alright so I'm in work again. Doing nothing. Well ok not nothing, I'm in Facebook, texting, reading about Spurs, now writing this and contemplating whether or not I want some cereal. I do. But I shall be good.

This may all be a bit soon for another post, especially give that the last one contained very little actual information, or anything that one could point to and say "that made my life better, that did". Though I feel that if you talk like that, maybe it's not so hard to make your life better. Just point that person towards an ice cream van and a copy of The Sun and they'll have a great summer.

The sun's quite nice isn't it? And on the flipside, it's far too fucking hot isn't it? As a big lad anyway that is carrying a few extra pounds (of sweets in his pockets), I swear to a deity I don't believe in that I'm actually melting. Ok maybe I should swear to someone/thing that I actually hold in some regard. Ermmm. Ok next time I exclaim my disapproval at the heat I shall say "Breaking Bad, it's hot!" That works. Walter White is a god, in a way.

I had a hectic weekend planned, but unfortunately tonight has had to be cancelled. No trip to Dudley for me. Devastating. But tomorrow is Dark Knight Rises, followed by getting wankered. then Sunday I've got visitors from Southern Lands, which will be novel. I can giggle at how the coastal people live and talk, and maybe poke them with sticks a bit.

I'm trying to think of what I can actually do today. I'm waiting for electricians to finish, so I can move stuff into my new room, which then leads to rearranging the old room and getting the lab into some sort of fighting shape. But in the meantime, I may as well just sit about and type, right? Seems only fair to be getting paid for.

I'm worried that I started this without a point, and thus it's just deteriorated into me talking nonsense about nothing. But then if you're reading this, you know me, and know that this is exactly how I am in person anyway, so it's all good.

I'm not going to go on about how I'm not respected or listened to in my new job, or how they don't treat it like my lab at all and leave me feeling like a button-mashing monkey man, cos I have hours left here today and I can't be bothered to get into a mood about it. Needless to say, it's fine. I get paid enough to ignore it. And drink a lot. That always helps.

Right this is really falling to bits, so I'll get out of your way. Thanks to everyone that wished me a happy birthday, that was nice. Gotta love how Facebook makes you feel super-popular and well remembered on your birthday, when really they get something saying "Hey, remember this guy you went to school with and never spoke to then and never speak to now but inexplicably you still added as a facebook friend just to see what they look like now? Yeah well it's their birthday, so feel the guilt and send a message, you horrible person." And I get a lovely message :) Brilliant system.

Oh and one final point, to all you ladies out there that have been enjoying Fifty Shades of Grey, I'd be interested to know what you think of these short stories I wrote years ago. They're filthy, by the way. Before any of my family click on the bloody link. Yeah please don't. But yeah I've been told they're good, and if there's that much bloody cash in bonkbusters I might have to change career! They're at :)

Much love,
Big Danny Boomtown

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