Thursday 5 April 2012

New Life Version...what are we on now? Four?

Hey peeps.

I am currently sat at my new desk and I thought it was probably about time that I wrote something to let everyone know that I'm not dead. I hope those of you I haven't responded to yet aren't upset. Family shit + new job - you understand.

Anyway, back to me, as is the want of this particular writer. I am now in the great city of Worcester! (it's here by the way - I didn't know either). It's quite nice actually. I'm in a nice, white, open office with high ceilings and about nine other people. Really small company. Oh yeah and I have a lab. It's all mine! (cue lightning strike) bwahahahaha. I'm still in the process of getting the hang of it but I'm sure I will. I've reorganised things a bit so far, moved some machines around, made it make a bit more sense. I think I've done alright for week one.

And I'm living in a hotel in the centre of town, which is pretty swanky. Less than a minute to the bar from bed. I can live with that for a while. Though it is of course lonely, so I have been online and on the phone quite a bit. And I bought a couple of games to play, which is always lovely. The problem I keep finding, however, is that I'm not simply satisfied with a game being all I do. I know that's silly - I grew up just playing games, but somewhere along the way, in my teens, I found that I liked the TV on as well. I like watching(ish) and listening to a TV whilst I labour between checkpoints. But that doesn't work with 'proper' games with story. It's fine with FIFA - I've got that mastered - but LA Noire last night kept interrupting my viewing of Wrestlemania, and that's just not on. Nobody puts Rocky in the corner.

I don't really want this to become a really long piece about the minutiae of my life here - it's much more fun if I tell you all individually, that way I can improve my telling of it and add jokes until when I tell the very last person, they'll be in stitches.

Needless to say, there is a girl amongst those nine other office dwellers and she is not unattractive. This is god news. She seems nice too. I don't know anything about her personal life yet, this being Day 4, aside from the fact that she lives in Birmingham and has housemates. But I also know that she has pretty green eyes, and that's all I really need to know. Any more than that might put me off. I don't want to know that she has a boyfriend and six cats and enjoys hiking up hills and pogoing back down. Scratch that. The last one - if that's true, I want to know. That's pretty epic.

Leave me a comment on here or Facebook cos they make me smile. There's a good reader :)

Love you all. Now fuck off.
The Dan


  1. Ritch (from the Cove)5 April 2012 at 17:57

    Cheers Dan, nice to know all's going well and you've "moved some machines around" - good work!

    Very nice to know you've met someone with eyes too - very "god" news!

    Now I'll fuck off,

  2. If she is a ginge she is mine :)

  3. glad you are upbeat about the job, I am sure it is not JUST about greeneyes !! I will work out when I can come and visit, hotel sounds good !!
    love ya kiddo
    mum xxxx
