Wednesday 22 June 2011

New Life v2.0

Ok, so let's give this thing another go. It's been a little while, hasn't it? And hopefully now I'll actually be capable of making this funny again, rather than simply bitter and twisted. Well, we can but hope. I'm still me, after all.

So I'm now not in Portsmouth. Nope. No more wonderous nights in Scandals or evening pool at the Poli. I will miss the Poli. I already do, to be honest. But it's fine - I've made some great friends down there and I'll visit regularly. I think you can all tell what I'll be doing when I'm there as well, seeing as those two things I suggested as examples of things I miss do basically revolve around getting hammered. I'm still me, after all.

So...Cambridge baby! Well, Royston, actually. Yes, like Royston Vasey. But I'm not actually living inside Roy Chubby Brown (not that I'm saying there's not enough room. I think you could house at the very least a medium-sized Polish family within that man). Nope, this is a ickle town/village/thingplace with not a lot going on. Very quaint, but just not much there. Like a town version of Boris Johnson, really. But less funny.

So I'm in a B&B, which is....boring but fine. I do get pub dinners every night which is just lovely. Can't complain at that. Though my waistline is starting to. It's not so keen. It likes it when I don't go near pubs. I hate how we fight.

New job as well, obviously the reason I'm here. I'm sat in work right now actually, just finished and wondering what to do with my night. I'm trying to talk myself into, and then out of, going to the gym. I know I should, but I sort of don't want to. I've only gone once since I joined last week, so my body hasn't adjusted and I know it will hurt if I do a big workout. I'm basically just lazy to be honest, but hey. I don't care. I am missing football Thursday evening though, which sucks, so I should go do something. That way I can at least justify a big fat meal or two the next couple of nights.

Ah damn it. The sun has come out again and it's tempting me outside quite badly. I don't want to fight the urge for much longer, so I'll keep this brief for today and fill you guys in properly (ooh er!) sometime soon.

I've made a couple of new friends, seemingly. Which is awesome. A guy and a girl from my office who both seem very nice. The guy got me into the football game - instant best mate, in guy terms. Give me football and I give you my heart. And the girl and I had a pint yesterday and a bitch about the world. and those of you who know me well know that's a sure-fire way to get me to love you as well. So it's all good.

Right, I'm gonna go get a burger, methinks.

Laters, bitches.